National Taiwan Normal University Course Outline
Spring , 2024

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I.Course information
Serial No. 1340 Course Level Master
Course Code IWM0079 Chinese Course Name 員工心理與職涯發展專題研究
Course Name Special Topic on Employee Psychology and Career Development
Department Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Development
Two/one semester 1 Req. / Sel. Sel.
Credits 3.0 Lecturing hours Lecture hours: 3
Prerequisite Course Prerequisite course: 【IWM0072 Seminar on Human Resource Development (I)】、【IWM0073 Seminar on Human Resource Development (II)】 ◎1. This course is not available for undergraduate students. 2. If the listed course is a doctoral level course, it is only available for PhD students.
Course Description
Day & Class Period/Location Fri. 7-9 Main 11111
Curriculum Goals Corresponding to the Departmental Core Goal
1. Possess the theoretical discussion of employees such as enterprise human capital management, employee career/career consulting, and workplace adversity and emotional confrontation. Master:
 1-2 Knowledge of Human Resource Theories and Practical Applications
 2-2 Ability to Conduct Effective Cross-cultural Communication
 3-1 Passion for Developing Human Resource Profession
 4-2 Work Ethics
2. Possess research on employee coaching such as workplace physical and mental potential development, work management, and problem solving. Master:
 1-2 Knowledge of Human Resource Theories and Practical Applications
 2-2 Ability to Conduct Effective Cross-cultural Communication
 3-1 Passion for Developing Human Resource Profession
 4-2 Work Ethics

II. General Syllabus
Instructor(s) Lin,Yi-Chun/ 林怡君

Week 1  Introduction, Syllabus Review

Week 2  Career Counseling Today

Week 3  John Holland: A typology Approach

Week 4  Krumboltz’s learning theory of career counseling

Week 5  Sociological Perspective of work and career development

Week 6  Case: The case of the Depressed Worker

Week 7  Trait-and Factor and Personal-Environment-Fit

Week 8  Case: Generating a PEF analysis

Week 9   Mid term

Week 10  A Learning Theory of Career Counseling (LTCC)

Week 11  Case of the reluctant Decision Maker

Week 12  A multicultural Career counseling Model for Ethic Women

Week 13  Case: The case of Questionable Future Status

Week 14  Interview

Week 15  Career Counseling Center

Week 16  Interview Report

Week 17  Interview Report

Week 18  Final Exam

Instructional Approach
Methods Notes
Formal lecture Text book, PowerPoint slides and video clips will be used to introduce the topics relevant to international business management
Group discussion Students will be divided into groups. Each group will discuss assigned cases derived from textbook and present their answers to the whole class for class discussion
Cooperative learning Students will collaborate on a group project to analyze the feasibility of an international business venture.
Case studies Students will complete a group project report to analyze the feasibility of an international business venture.
Grading assessment
Methods Percentage Notes
Midterm Exam 20 % A mid-term exam will be given to evaluate students’ comprehension of the course materials. The test format will include multiple choice and short essay questions.
Final exam 20 % At the end of the semester, a final exam will be given to evaluate students’ comprehension of the course materials. The test format will include multiple choice and short essay questions.
Class discussion involvement 10 % Students are expected to attend each class, prepare discussed readings and assignments and actively participate in class discussions.
Attendances 10 % Class attendance is required. Please come to the class on time and notify the instructor ahead of time if you will be late or absent for a class.
Presentation 25 % A 30 minute in-class interview report with PPT in the scheduled week is required.
Case study reports 15 % Case analysis report for integrating cases will be assigned as a group project. Each group will present an integrating case and their answers to case questions in class.
Required and Recommended Texts/Readings with References

Vernon G. Zunker (2015). Career Counseling: A Holistic Approach.

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