National Taiwan Normal University Course Outline
Spring , 2024

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I.Course information
Serial No. 1336 Course Level Master
Course Code IWM0077 Chinese Course Name 組織發展與變革研究
Course Name Organization Change and Development
Department Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Development
Two/one semester 1 Req. / Sel. Sel.
Credits 3.0 Lecturing hours Lecture hours: 3
Prerequisite Course ◎1. This course is not available for undergraduate students. 2. If the listed course is a doctoral level course, it is only available for PhD students.
Course Description
Day & Class Period/Location Wed. 7-9 Main Pu 302
Curriculum Goals Corresponding to the Departmental Core Goal
1. Overview of organization development and change: describe the important issues and trends in managing and developing transformations impacting the workplace and how those factors affect organizations and their work. Master:
 1-1 Sensibility to Globalized Human Resource Issues
 1-2 Knowledge of Human Resource Theories and Practical Applications
 1-3 Knowledge of Organizational Diagnostics, and Employee Counseling
2. The process of organization development & change: explain the process through assessment, planning, implementing, gathering data and determining interventions to address organizational change initiatives. Master:
 2-1 Professional Skills of Recruitment, Selection, Training, Staffing, Retention, and Organizational Development
 2-2 Ability to Conduct Effective Cross-cultural Communication
3. Interventions for change: describe the main principles and characteristics of the multiple models for managing organizational change and apply those models in analyzing organizational change initiatives. Master:
 3-1 Passion for Developing Human Resource Profession
 3-2 Tendency toward Collaborative Innovation in an Organization
 3-3 Acuity and Compatibility for Cultural Differences
4. Applications of organization change and development is designed to help students: 1) Discuss issues, considerations, constraints, ingredients, and processes associated with intervention design. 2) Evaluate and assess an organizational change program. 3) Develop an awareness of influencing and facilitating change. 4) Discuss criteria for effective interventions. Master:
 4-1 Job Integrity and Law-Abiding Spirit
 4-2 Work Ethics

II. General Syllabus
Instructor(s) Cheng, Tao-Yu DJ/ 鄭道有

Week 01

Introduction to curriculum framework, progress, and score assessment.

Week 02

  1. Introduction to organization development.
  2. Case study, VCR and debriefing

Week 03

  1. The Nature of planned change
  2. Case study, VCR and debriefing

Week 04

  1. Collecting, analyzing, and feeding back diagnostic information
  2. Case study, VCR and debriefing

Week 05

  1. Designing interventions
  2. Case study, VCR and debriefing

Week 06

  1. Managing change
  2. Case study, VCR and debriefing

Week 07-09

Human process interventions_ Part 1

  1. Interpersonal and group process approaches
  2. Organization process approaches
  3. Case study, VCR and debriefing

Week 10-11

Techno-structural interventions

  1. Structural designs
  2. Employee development
  3. Work design
  4. Case study, VCR and debriefing

Week 12-14

Human resource interventions

  1. Performance management
  2. Talent management
  3. Workforce diversity and wellness
  4. Case study, VCR and debriefing

Week 15-16

1. Strategic change interventions

*Transformational change

*Continuous change

*Trans-organization change

*Case study, VCR and debriefing

2. Applications of organization development

*Organization development for economic, ecological, and social outcomes.

*Future directions in organization development

*Case study, VCR and debriefing

3. Final term paper

4. Wrap-up

Instructional Approach
Methods Notes
Formal lecture 1. The course is designed to be both theoretical and experiential. 2. Important issues and trends in organization development and change will be introduced
Group discussion Students will discuss related issues and trends introduced by the instructor and research topics presented by fellow students
Cooperative learning Small teams will be established at the start of the semester to help facilitate case study and experience team work dynamics.
Case studies Students will carry out a research project to study a current problem or implication in organization development and change.
Grading assessment
Methods Percentage Notes
Assignments 20 % Students are required to submit assigned project.
Class discussion involvement 20 % Students are encouraged to actively participate in class discussions to enrich the learning.
Attendances 30 % Attendance is required.
Presentation 30 % Students are required to present the project orally in class and submit the completed written research report (Final term paper) at the end of semester.
Required and Recommended Texts/Readings with References

Required textbook:

Cummings, T.G, and Worley, C.G. (2019). Organization Development & Change (11e). Boston: CENGAGE Learning. (華泰文化), ISBN13:9789814834698

Reading with reference

Raymond A. Noe, John R. Hollenbeck, Barry Gerhart. (2021). Fundamentals of Human Resource Management (11e), New York: McGraw Hill(華泰文化), ISBN-10. 1264131143 · ISBN-13. 978-1264131143 ·

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