National Taiwan Normal University Course Outline
Spring , 2024

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I.Course information
Serial No. 1361 Course Level Undergraduate / Master
Course Code EAC9003 Chinese Course Name 國際公法
Course Name Public International Law
Department Department of East Asian Studies
Two/one semester 1 Req. / Sel. Sel.
Credits 3.0 Lecturing hours Lecture hours: 3
Prerequisite Course Prerequisite course: 【EAU0128 Research Methods in Social Sciences】one of abovePrerequisite course(can be taken in the same semester): 【EAM0031 Seminar on Research Design and Essay Writing】one of above
Course Description
Day & Class Period/Location Wed. 6-8 Main Jeng 105
Curriculum Goals Corresponding to the Departmental Core Goal
1. Understanding legal background behind the development of international relations and international politics College:
 2-4 Possessing the ability of commenting and writing academic paper, and editing and compiling academic monograph
 2-4 Possessing the ability of commenting and writing academic paper, and editing and compiling academic monograph
2. Enhancing students’ comprehension regarding public international law in various examinations, such as the ones for Consular and Diplomatic Personnel, for Judges and Prosecutors, and for other civil services; College:
 2-5 Working in cultural and educational institutions, academic departments and governmental organs. Possessing the ability of planning, writing, editing and implementing when dealing with works related to sinology and culture, and politics and economics
 2-5 Working in cultural and educational institutions, academic departments and governmental organs. Possessing the ability of planning, writing, editing and implementing when dealing with works related to sinology and culture, and politics and economics
3. Facilitating capability on legal analysis and for independent thinking; College:
 3-1 Within the ability of macroscopic thinking, independent thinking, professional research and critical introspection
 3-1 Within the ability of macroscopic thinking, independent thinking, professional research and critical introspection
4. Training and strengthening students’ capability on expressing ideas and thoughts in public by way of paper writings and presentations. College:
 4-1 Conducting academic researches with rigorous attitude and academic research ethics
 4-1 Conducting academic researches with rigorous attitude and academic research ethics

II. General Syllabus
Instructor(s) WANG, Kuan-Hsiung/ 王冠雄

This is an EMI (English Mediated Instruction) course.

The instructor will explain detailed course information, such as teaching methods, course schedule, presentation teaming, reading materials, etc. in the first week of the semester. It is hightly recommended that students who are unable to attend the first week should not take the course.

Public International Law is a semester course provides the students with specialized legal knowledge as well as regulations behind interactions of states. This course aims at familiarizing the student with the basic principles of the subject and the application to relations between members of the international community.

Week 1. Introduction

Week 2. Peace Memorial Day

Week 3. Sources of International Law I

Week 4. Sources of International Law II

Week 5. Recognition and Succession in International Law

Week 6. Nationality

Week 7. Territory

Week 8. Mid-term Presentation I

Week 9. Mid-term Presentation II

Week 10. Law of the Sea I

Week 11. Law of the Sea II

Week 12. Law of the Sea III

Week 13. Jurisdiction

Week 14. Immunity

Week 15. Term Presentation I

Week 16. Term Presentation II

Instructional Approach
Methods Notes
Formal lecture Reading List and Lecturing
Group discussion Reading List and Discussion
Case studies Case Studies
Other: Virtual (on-line) lecturing and discussion shall be possible when necessary.
Grading assessment
Methods Percentage Notes
Assignments 30 % Several presentations in teams about topics decided by teacher.
Final exam 30 % Individual Term presentation (Powerpoint is necessary)
Class discussion involvement 20 % Discussion and questions are encouraged.
Attendances 20 % present / absent / late shall be recorded.
Required and Recommended Texts/Readings with References

American Society ofInternational Law (ASIL), InternationalLaw: 100 Ways It Shapes Our Lives,

Peter Malanczuk, Akehurst’s Modern Introduction toInternational Law, 7th edition (London and New York: Routledge, 1997).

Malcolm Evans, ed., International Law (Oxford: OxfordUniversity Press, 2003).

R. Churchill and A. Lowe, The Law of the Sea, 3rdedition (Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1999).

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