National Taiwan Normal University Course Outline
Spring , 2024

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I.Course information
Serial No. 1463 Course Level Undergraduate
Course Code CLU2003 Chinese Course Name 華語教學外語素養
Course Name Introduction of Foreign Language Literacy in Teaching Chinese as A Second Language
Department Department of Chinese as a Second Language
Two/one semester 1 Req. / Sel. Sel.
Credits 3.0 Lecturing hours Lecture hours: 3
Prerequisite Course
Course Description
Day & Class Period/Location Thur. 2-4 Main Cheng 205
Curriculum Goals Corresponding to the Departmental Core Goal
1. Course Description College:
【Program of Applied Chinese Language and Culture】
 1-1 Knowledge about Chinese literature and Chinese culture.
 1-2 Knowledge about overseas Chinese.
 1-4 Knowledge about pedagogy for Chinese as a second/foreign language.
 2-1 Be able to teach Chinese and practice in overseas Chinese education.
 2-2 Communication skills in English and a second foreign language.
 3-1 Have an international perspective and a cross-cultural literacy.
 3-3 Be able to respect different individuals, cultivating a caring and service-oriented teaching attitude.

II. General Syllabus
Instructor(s) WANG, Ben Pin-Yun/ 王炳勻
  • Course Introduction & Student Survey
  • Course- and Self-Introduction in English
  • English and Classroom Management (I)
  • English and Classroom Management (II)
  • English and Interacting with Students
  • English and Teaching Chinese Pronunciation
  • English and Teaching Chinese Characters
  • English and Teaching Chinese Vocabulary
  • English and Teaching Chinese Grammar (I)
  • English and Teaching Chinese Grammar (II)
  • Tutoring Practicum
  • English and Assessments in the Chinese as A Second Language Classroom
  • Midterm
  • English and Teaching Culture to Second Language Chinese Learners
  • Research on English in the Chinese as A Second Language Classroom
  • Group Presentations
Instructional Approach
Methods Notes
Formal lecture  
Group discussion  
Media, audio, visual materials Videos of teaching demonstrations
Other: utoring practicum with second language Chinese learners.
Grading assessment
Methods Percentage Notes
Assignments 35 % Individual learning/teaching portfolio
Midterm Exam 25 %  
Class discussion involvement 15 % Active participation in class discussions and activities
Attendances 10 % Attend class on time
Presentation 15 % Pair/group video presentations.
Required and Recommended Texts/Readings with References

Atkinson, D. (1987). The mother tongue in theclassroom: A neglected resource? ELT Journal, 41(4), 241-247.

Chen, P. (1999). Modern Chinese: Historyand sociolinguistics. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Cook, V. (2001). Using the first language inthe classroom. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 57(3), 402-423.

Duff, P. A., & Polio, C. G. (1990). Howmuch foreign language is there in the foreign language classroom. The ModernLanguage Journal, 74(2), 154-166.

Ellis, R., & Shintani, N. (2014). Usingthe L1 in the L2 classroom. In Exploring language pedagogy through secondlanguage acquisition research (pp. 225-248). London, UK: Routledge.

Gao, M. C. F. (2000). Mandarin Chinese: Anintroduction. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Hughes, G., Moate, J., & Raatikainen, T.(2007). Practical Classroom English. Oxford,UK: Oxford University Press.

Kane, D. (2006). The Chinese language: Itshistory and current usage. North Clarendon, VT: Tuttle.

Morris, M. (1999). Beliefs and Practices ofTeaching Assistants toward Target Language Use in First-Year UniversityLanguage Classrooms, in L. K. Heilenman, (Ed.), Research Issues in LanguageProgram Direction (pp. 101-139). Boston, MA: Heinle & Heinle.

Polio, C. G., & Duff, P. A. (1994).Teachers’ language use in university foreign language classrooms; A qualitativeanalysis of English and target language alternation. The Modern LanguageJournal, 78(3), 313-326.

Schweers, W. (1999, April-June). Using L1 inthe L2 classroom. English Teaching Forum, 6-9, 13.

Turnbull, M. (2001) There is a role for theL1 in second and foreign language teaching, but…The Canadian Modern LanguageReview 57(4), 531-540.

Turnbull, M., & Arnett, K. (2002).Teachers’ uses of the target and first languages in second and foreign languageclassrooms. Annual Review of Applied Linguistics, 22, 204-218.

Zhang, Hang & Zhang, Lan. (2022). IntroducingChinese Linguistics: A Handbook for Chinese Langua

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