National Taiwan Normal University Course Outline
Fall , 2022

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I.Course information
Serial No. 1400 Course Level Master
Course Code IWM0055 Chinese Course Name 國際人力資源管理研究
Course Name International Human Resource Management
Department Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Development
Two/one semester 1 Req. / Sel. Sel.
Credits 3.0 Lecturing hours Lecture hours: 3
Prerequisite Course ◎1. This course is not available for undergraduate students. 2. If the listed course is a doctoral level course, it is only available for PhD students.
Course Description
Day & Class Period/Location Thur. 7-9 Main 11-06
Curriculum Goals Corresponding to the Departmental Core Goal
1. Understand the implications of changes in the global organization of firms and the international workforce for HRM policy-making. Master:
 1-1 Sensibility to Globalized Human Resource Issues
 1-2 Knowledge of Human Resource Theories and Practical Applications
 1-3 Knowledge of Organizational Diagnostics, and Employee Counseling
 2-1 Professional Skills of Recruitment, Selection, Training, Staffing, Retention, and Organizational Development
2. Have a detailed understanding of the key analytical concepts and models in international HRM. Master:
 1-2 Knowledge of Human Resource Theories and Practical Applications
 1-3 Knowledge of Organizational Diagnostics, and Employee Counseling
 2-1 Professional Skills of Recruitment, Selection, Training, Staffing, Retention, and Organizational Development
 3-1 Passion for Developing Human Resource Profession
 3-3 Acuity and Compatibility for Cultural Differences
3. Articulate the principal comparisons of the business and human resource systems in local and global contexts. Master:
 1-2 Knowledge of Human Resource Theories and Practical Applications
 1-3 Knowledge of Organizational Diagnostics, and Employee Counseling
 2-1 Professional Skills of Recruitment, Selection, Training, Staffing, Retention, and Organizational Development
 3-1 Passion for Developing Human Resource Profession
 3-2 Tendency toward Collaborative Innovation in an Organization
 3-3 Acuity and Compatibility for Cultural Differences
 4-1 Job Integrity and Law-Abiding Spirit
4. Assess the different approaches to and strategies for HRM in international business activities, and their impact on employees. Master:
 1-2 Knowledge of Human Resource Theories and Practical Applications
 1-3 Knowledge of Organizational Diagnostics, and Employee Counseling
 2-1 Professional Skills of Recruitment, Selection, Training, Staffing, Retention, and Organizational Development
 3-1 Passion for Developing Human Resource Profession
 3-3 Acuity and Compatibility for Cultural Differences
 4-1 Job Integrity and Law-Abiding Spirit

II. General Syllabus
Instructor(s) Cheng, Tao-Yu DJ/ 鄭道有

Week 1

1. Introduction to curriculum framework, progress, and score assessment

2. What is the function of international Human Resource Management (IHRM)?

3. Brainstorming for the week

4. Self practice_WK1

Week 2

1. The globalization and diversity

2. VCR: Portion-Pac Chemical

3. The Importance of writing your own rule in IHRM

4. Brainstorming for the week

5. Self practice_2

Week 3

1. Strategic International Human Resource Management (#1)

2. Strategic HRM practices

3. How to create value in HRM

4. Brainstorming for the week

5. Self practice_WK3

Week 4

1. Strategic International Human Resource Management (#2)

2. HR’s role in helping operation units create competitiveness in business

3. Collaboration at Apple

4. VCR: Building Traits of a Good Virtual Team Member

4. Brainstorming for the week

6. Self practice_WK4

Week 5

1. Design and structure of the MNE(#1)

2. What is Organization Design?

3. The organization design toolkit for HR

4. Brainstorming for the week

5. Self practice_WK5

Week 6

1. Design and structure of the MNE (#2)

2. Effective ways to make organization design well in the workplace

3. Brainstorming for the week

4. Self practice_WK6

Week 7

1. Country HRM and Culture (#1)

2. Hall’s Context & Hofstede’s Five Dimensions (#1)

3. Brainstorming for the week

4. Self practice_WK7

Week 8

1. Country HRM and Culture (#2)

2. Hall’s Context & Hofstede’s Five Dimensions (#2)

3. Apple Corporate Culture: an example

4. How to create a high-performing organization culture

5. Brainstorming for the week

6. Self practice_WK8

Week 9

1. Employee relations in MNE

2. Provisions in Collective Bargaining

3. HR's role in labor relations

4. Brainstorming for the week

5. Self practice_Wk9

Week 10

1. Bullying and Harassment

2. Formal grievance

3. Tips to stop bullying

4. Grievance handling procedure

5. Mid-term paper (Tentative)

6. Brainstorming for the week

7. Self practice_WK10

Week 11

1. Effective interviewing skills in MNE

2. Brainstorming for the week

3. Self practice_WK11

Week 12

1. How to identify strong talents in an interview?

2. How do employees add value at work?

3. How does competencies work in MNE?

4. Brainstorming for the week

5. Self practice_WK12

Week 13

1. How to develop your organization’s core competency in business excellence?

2. Brainstorming for the week

3. Self practice_WK13

Week 14

1. How to develop your organization’s core competency in leadership and management?

2. Brainstorming for the week

3. Self practice_WK14

Week 15

1. How to develop your organization’s core competency in talents attributes?

2. Brainstorming for the week

3. Self practice_WK15

Week 16

1. Final term paper

2. Wrap-up

Instructional Approach
Methods Notes
Formal lecture 1. The course is designed to be both theoretical and experiential. 2. Important issues and trends in IHRM will be introduced.
Group discussion Students will discuss related issues and trends introduced by the instructor and research topics presented by fellow students.
Problem-based learning Through PBL, students not only strengthen their teamwork, communication, and research skills, but they also sharpen their critical thinking and problem-solving abilities essential for life-long learning.
Cooperative learning Small teams will be established at the start of the semester to help facilitate case study and experience team work dynamics.
Case studies Students will carry out a research project relating to a current problem or implication in IHRM.
Grading assessment
Methods Percentage Notes
Midterm Exam 20 % The mid-term paper will cover material for the first half of the class in details and important concepts from the first half of the class.
Final exam 30 % Students are required to present the project orally in class and submit the completed written research report at the end of semester.
Class discussion involvement 20 % 1. Students are encouraged to actively participate in class discussions to enrich the higher level of learning result. 2. Additionally, students are required to introduce and present assigned cases in class.
Attendances 30 % Attendance is required.
Required and Recommended Texts/Readings with References


Tarique, I., Briscoe, D.R. and Schuler. R.S. (2016). International Human Resource Management:Policies and Practices for Multinational Enterprise (5e), Oxford: Routledge. (台北,華泰文化)

Noe, R. A., Hollenbeck, J. R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P. M. (2020). Fundamentals of human resource management (8th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. (台北,華泰文化)


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