National Taiwan Normal University Course Outline
Fall , 2022

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I.Course information
Serial No. 1398 Course Level Master
Course Code IWM0040 Chinese Course Name 組織行為研究
Course Name Organizational Behavior
Department Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Development
Two/one semester 1 Req. / Sel. Sel.
Credits 3.0 Lecturing hours Lecture hours: 3
Prerequisite Course ◎1. This course is not available for undergraduate students. 2. If the listed course is a doctoral level course, it is only available for PhD students.
Course Description
Day & Class Period/Location Wed. 7-9 Main 11-05
Curriculum Goals Corresponding to the Departmental Core Goal
1. Describe the basic knowledge and theories of organizational behavior and identify the occurrences of them in organizations Master:
 1-1 Sensibility to Globalized Human Resource Issues
 1-2 Knowledge of Human Resource Theories and Practical Applications
 1-3 Knowledge of Organizational Diagnostics, and Employee Counseling
2. Describe current research in organizational behavior and identify how they can be applied to workplace settings Master:
 2-1 Professional Skills of Recruitment, Selection, Training, Staffing, Retention, and Organizational Development
 2-2 Ability to Conduct Effective Cross-cultural Communication
3. Understand how application of OB concepts can enhance individual, group, and organizational effectiveness Master:
 3-1 Passion for Developing Human Resource Profession
 3-2 Tendency toward Collaborative Innovation in an Organization
 3-3 Acuity and Compatibility for Cultural Differences
 4-1 Job Integrity and Law-Abiding Spirit
 4-2 Work Ethics

II. General Syllabus
Instructor(s) YEH, Chu-Chen/ 葉俶禎

Tentative weekly schedule:

Week 1  Introduction of OB and course overview

Week 2  Foundations of Individual Behavior, Diversity in Organizations

Week 3  Attitudes and Job Satisfaction

Week 4  Emotions and Moods

Week 5  Personality and Values

Week 6  Perception and Individual Decision Making

Week 7  Motivation

Week 8  Midterm

Week 9  Foundations of Group Behavior

Week 10  Understanding Work Teams

Week 11  Communication

Week 12  Leadership

Week 13  Power and Politics

Week 14  Conflict and Negotiation

Week 15  The Organizational System, Organizational Culture

Week 16  Final Exam

Instructional Approach
Methods Notes
Formal lecture Important issues and trends in OB studies will be introduced
Group discussion Students will discuss related issues and trends introduced by the instructor and research topics presented by fellow students
Cooperative learning Students will work in teams in class activities and assignments to learn how to collaborate with others.
Media, audio, visual materials Audio visual materials will be used to introduce phenomenon in organizations.
Case studies Students will carry out case studies of current problems in OB.
Grading assessment
Methods Percentage Notes
Midterm Exam 20 % Mid-term exam is administered to test students' comprehension of OB concepts.
Final exam 20 % Final exam is administered to test students' comprehension of OB concepts.
Class discussion involvement 15 % Read texts and other supplementary materials before class, actively participate in class activities & discussions, and provide feedback to peers to enrich the learning.
Attendances 10 % Attendance is required. 5 points out of the total 100 points toward attendances will be deducted for each unapproved absence.
Presentation 15 % Students are required to introduce and present the case study report in class.
Case study reports 20 % Students will carry out a case analysis of a current problem in an organization. Students are required to present the project orally in class and submit the completed written research report.
Required and Recommended Texts/Readings with References

Stephen P. Robbins & Timothy A. Judge (2018), Organizational Behavior (18th Edition), Person Education Ltd, Essex, England.


Academy of Management Journal

Academy of Management Review

Human Resource Management Journal

International Journal of Human Resource Management

Personnel Psychology

Journal of Applied Psychology

Annual Review of Psychology

Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes

Organizational Science

Administrative Science Quarterly

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