National Taiwan Normal University Course Outline
Spring , 2022

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I.Course information
Serial No. 0866 Course Level Undergraduate
Course Code LSU0047 Chinese Course Name 資訊行為
Course Name Information Behavior
Department Undergraduate Program of Learning Sciences
Two/one semester 1 Req. / Sel. Sel.
Credits 3.0 Lecturing hours Lecture hours: 3
Prerequisite Course ◎1. This is a cross-level course and is available for junior and senior undergraduate students, master's students and PhD students. 2. If the listed course is a doctroal level course, it is only available for master's students and PhD students.
Course Description
Time / Location Thur. 2-4 Main 32-04
Curriculum Goals Corresponding to the Departmental Core Goal
1. 理論部分,學習資訊行為重要的理論和模式 College:
 1-1 To possess the domain knowledge and professional skills in learning sciences
2. 實踐方面,在學習的情境中,找資料、檢索資料、瀏覽資料、找研究主題、組織資料、寫報告、學術書寫等,是學習者十分重要的資訊行為 College:
 1-1 To possess the domain knowledge and professional skills in learning sciences
3. 在工作場域和日常生活中,分析自己的資訊需求、資訊尋求、資訊評估和資訊使用等,例如閱讀、寫筆記、找資料、記帳、使用社群媒體、使用各種Apps、接收訊息、傳遞訊息、繪製圖表、整理照片、分類、訊息判斷等,更是人一生中重要的資訊行為。 College:
 4-2 To recognize the application and development values in learning sciences
4. 本課程也介紹相關的資訊和其來源,資訊的範圍除了傳統圖書館提供的印刷型資料、數位資料庫等,另有許多網路資源都和學習、工作和生活有關。 College:
 4-2 To recognize the application and development values in learning sciences

II. General Syllabus
Instructor(s) 林宗進



1. 網路、資訊與知識

2. 線上人格與角色扮演

3. 網路世界的團體動力

4. 資訊素養

5. 網路愛情

6. 網路沉癮

7. 使用者行為

8. 其他相關議題



Instructional Approach
Methods Notes
Formal lecture 教師講述
Group discussion 小組討論
Grading assessment
Methods Percentage Notes
Assignments 25 % 不定時指派平時作業
Class discussion involvement 35 % 課堂問題討論(含每週出席狀況)
Case study reports 40 % 期末專題報告
Required and Recommended Texts/Readings with References

1. TOO BIG TO KNOW:網路思想先驅溫柏格重新定義知識的意義與力量
2. 網路讓我們變笨?:數位科技正在改變我們的大腦、思考與閱讀行為
3. 網路連鎖效應:數位科技與現實生活間的網路心理學
5. 網路心理講義
6.Case, D. O., & Given, L. M. (2016). Looking for information: A survey of research on information seeking, needs, and behavior (4th ed.). New York, NY: Academic Press.

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