National Taiwan Normal University Course Outline
Fall , 2021

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I.Course information
Serial No. 0907 Course Level Undergraduate
Course Code LSU0001 Chinese Course Name 程式設計(一)
Course Name Programming (I)
Department Undergraduate Program of Learning Sciences
Two/one semester 1 Req. / Sel. Req.
Credits 3.0 Lecturing hours Lecture hours: 3
Prerequisite Course
Course Description
Time / Location Mon. 7-9 Main 84-03
Curriculum Goals Corresponding to the Departmental Core Goal
1. 能了解 Python程式設計的基本概念及技能並撰寫程式。 College:
 2-1 To equip with the ability to analyze and transform learning and information technologies to various contexts
2. 能根據指定的方法步驟,規畫程式架構、流程並據以實作。 College:
 2-1 To equip with the ability to analyze and transform learning and information technologies to various contexts

II. General Syllabus
Instructor(s) Li,Liang-Yi/ 李良一



  1. 課程介紹及系統安裝
  2. Python Basics
  3. Control Flow (1)
  4. Control Flow (2)
  5. Function
  6. Tuple and List
  7. Dictionaries and Structuring Data
  8. 期中考
  9. String
  10. Object Oriented Programming(1)
  11. Object Oriented Programming(2)
  12. Reading and Writing Files
  13. Organizing Files
  14. Other topics(1)
  15. Other topics(2)
  16. 期末考



Instructional Approach
Methods Notes
Formal lecture 老師講授自編教材及教科書內容
Problem-based learning 老師會在上課時給予學生學習單及在課後給予作業,學習單及作業內容為程式問題,學生需找出解法。
Lab/Studio 學習單及作業需撰寫程式碼
Media, audio, visual materials 使用線上學習系統進行教學影片觀看、作業繳交、線上討論及其他線上教學活動。
Grading assessment
Methods Percentage Notes
Assignments 40 % 課堂及課後作業,自主學習作業
Midterm Exam 25 % 期中考前老師上課的內容
Final exam 25 % 期末考前老師上課的內容
Attendances 10 % 學生出席的次數、課堂討論參與及線上活動參與的積極度
Required and Recommended Texts/Readings with References


•Al Sweigart(2019).automate the boring stuff with python automate the boring stuff with python

•The Python Tutorial




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